Comprehensive collection of Quotations Quotes. The compilation includes some good quality text submitted by users. Browse through our nice repository of Quotations Quotes with latest and new quotes being added quite often. You will find unique quotes and sayings which you can rate and review. Explore best and rare collection of Quotations Quotes here, select any text from the wide range and share or send using mobile. Apart from general Quotations Quotes, the collection also includes some popular Quotations Quotes. You can help us to enrich this collection of Quotations Quotes by sending and submitting more messages from your collection to us and by providing nice ideas. This is Part – 19 of Quotations Quotes.
? Submission to Allah’s Will is the best companion; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem.
? Unfortunate is he who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them (through his deeds).
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